sump project


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This weekend or next (probably next), I'm planning on cleaning out my 20L and converting it to a sump. I've searched online a bit and have a good general idea about how to do this, but this is my first DIY (unless you count some retrofit lights!). Any tips or things I will almost certainly forget?

If I section off a refugium, how low is "low flow"?
How big is the tank this is going on? You want the fuge to be 10% or so of the main tank's size. Then if you add a DSB, you're taking up 4-5 vertical inches. Depending on what kind of algae you're wanting to keep, "low flow" could be 50gph, or it could be 200gph. I run a 10g fuge with chaeto and at less than 150gph, it dies off, so different macros need different things. Many people, myself included, T off of the return pump and you can adjust flow accordingly.
It's for my 55g tank. I didn't think about a T valve; that's a good idea.
Here is a link for my sump constuction in a 29 gallon tank:

I'm curious to see how your sump project turns out. My son and I are working on a 20 Long Sump also.

What are you using for your baffles? Acrylic, Glass, Other?
I'm planning on using glass baffles. I've heard siliconing acrylic to glass is annoying at best. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures, but it'll be next weekend because my father in law is in town this weekend.
DIY sumps seem to be all the rage right now!! :thumbs:

Yesterday I picked up a used 40 gallon breeder tank for this exact purpose!!
I was looking at using a 29 for the same thing.
Gives you a little more height than a 20.
Just some food for thought