sump quesions. need help.


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ok so i have a 65 gal reef. so far its been up alil over a year i think. now im my sump all i have is a skimmer and heater. i put carbon in a bag also. then of course the mag 6 to pump water back.

now i was wondering what other things should i have.

im in the process of getting a fuge set up. i have another post about that. but ive noticed alot of people have like phosban and other type things in there sump area.

i was just wondering if these things are a necesity.

also im looking for a ro/di kit. if anyone knows were to get cheap ones or has one they dont need to can sell cheap plz let me know.

thanks guys
its not a matter of neccessity...its efficency. For as cheap as a phosban reactorr is I would grab one for carbon.