Sumps in garage


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I'm tired of squeezing under my stand for sump maintenance or anytime I need to do anything at all. I've decided on a permanent home for my tank which just happens to share a wall with my garage. I love the idea of having more storage in my stand and being able to work on my sump while standing up. I'm curious if anybody else in the club has this setup and what issues you run into.
temperature could be an issue or if your garage is dirty you’d get yard debris or possible contaminates in the tank from anything kept in the garage.
I've done this. Temperature control is probably your biggest concern, both heating and cooling. Depending on how you use your garage you'd want to take debris, pollutants, etc into concern, which can be dealt with by tarping off the area or something similar.
My garage walls are insulated although I'm not sure about the bay door. I'll have to see what I could do to maybe section that part off
I’m definitely putting the mixing station in the garage. Then will do automatic water changes from there.

Long term, it remains to be seen whether I will run the overflow and return between the garage & displays. That’s a bigger job as it would involve running pipe through/behind kitchen cabinets.
I’ve ran a 40g with sump at my old house. Since we were not doing the grass maintenance the chemicals were never a concern, temperature during the cold season was handled with two heaters, it was no issues, corals and fish were fine, the hot season was maintained with a chiller, and it was hot, as well as very cold but heaters and chiller did an excellent job, BUT, one thing you’ve to take in the game too, moisture, you’ll play with a lot of moisture, both seasons, all the time, you might don’t feel it, but believe me, you’ll see it, specially if you have something made of steel, anything will get a coat of moisture and eventually you’ll see some of those things with corrosion, oxide.
I was able to just run the two seasons and not much of my other equipment, tools, this and that get damaged by corrosion but I was able to caught that and corrected on time.