Sun Coral Feeding Questions


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I want to keep this thing as healthy as possible and get maximum growth without upsetting my tank parameters. I've read that most people seem to feed sun corals 1 or 2 times a week but right now I'm feeding every 2 days. I give it a cube of PE mysis, 1/2 cube cyclopeeze, and 1/2 cube squid based on others inputs plus whatever it gets during normal fish feedings (it's pretty much always open for feeding). My big concerns are adding that so much food will give me nutrient problems on my 28 gallon tank. I do religious PWC's and I also run a AquaC Remora skimmer modded to fit the Nanocube with about 50 lbs LR in the display with LR rubble and Matrix in the rear "sump"/overflow area. I've been keeping a very close eye on my parameters with no noticable Amm/Ni/Na.

Even after feeding the 2 cubes of food, it opens back up like it wants more. Will a sun coral stay closed when it's "full" or how do you know if your feedings are sufficient other than seeing tissue recession due to underfeeding?
In a tank that size you're going to run into problems feeding that much food. Try this instead. Get a tupperware dish or similar and fill it with tank water. Put the sun coral and food in there and let it do it's thing. You might need to recirculate the water every now and then with a turkey baster. When it's finished put the coral back in the tank and toss the waste water.
I've considered that but feared handling the coral might not be the best idea for it's health.
That's way too much food, IMO.

In addition to the "bowl" feeding method mentioned above, the "hat" method also works - cut the funnel top off a soda bottle and place it over the coral like a hat, and squirt some food into that so it stays close to the coral, such that the coral can eat it. And cut the size of your portions... that's way too much.

I already use a baster and feeding dome. Would you recommend cutting the frequency of feedings or the amounts each time? There's no doubt it actually consumes 2 cubes at a feeding. It's probably around 70 heads total and I've read sun coral articles stating the owners feed 3 cubes or more (but they usually only feed a couple times per week)
JennM;345578 wrote: That's way too much food, IMO.

In addition to the "bowl" feeding method mentioned above, the "hat" method also works - cut the funnel top off a soda bottle and place it over the coral like a hat, and squirt some food into that so it stays close to the coral, such that the coral can eat it. And cut the size of your portions... that's way too much.


I used the *hat* method when my SC was in my display. After the coral has had enough time to feed, you can use the baster to suck the leftover food back out of the hat or remove the hat and let your critters (hermits, peppermints, etc.) feast off the remains.

As for the amount of food, I carefully use the baster and put a couple of pieces on each polyp. That usually seems to be enough. Once or twice a week works for me. If the SC opens up in between feedings, so much the better. I can enjoy looking at them and they can wave at me until meal time.

My suncoral is now in my 6g nano with a mantis shrimp. It's funny to watch the mantis shrimp park near the polyps when they open, waiting for a buffet.
