Super food for all my fish and my new go to fish store in Atlanta!!


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Just received my new fish, stars and stripe puffer! Also got my Ocean Nutrition formula one pellets and my fish love it. The puffer acclimated to my tank and ate the pellets right away. :up:

Ocean Nutrition seems to be all I need for my fish."></a>

I was recommended to take a look at this site. So far it seems great for learning and also recommending products and fish. Ill be using it more often now that I have found it!

Here is a picture of my new puffer!!


What other types of food do you guys recommend for my fish? I feel like this is a good product to use but if any of you have other suggestions then feel free to post and let me know your thoughts.
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Welcome to ARC!

You may want to vary your fishes' diet a bit, pellets alone may not be all that they need.

Quality frozen preparations like Larrys Reef Frenzy are a more in line with their wild diet.

For puffers, mollusks on the half-shell were always fun, they chew up the shells which helps grind down their teeth. Makes a bit of a mess on the bottom of the tank, though ;)

Puffers can be picky and get stuck on one food, (ie Krill) and end up lacking something in their diet which can lead to lock-jaw. That's most unfortunate, I've seen it happen a few times when people cater to their picky fish with just one kind of food.

I had a stars & stripes years ago and he was a hoot. Very entertaining. Puffers in general have lots of personality. :)

Okay great, Thank you for the advice. I like to spoil my fish. This puffer hangs out on the bottom all day then goes crazy in the evening when the other fish know its feeding time. He blew-up the other nite when my trigger harassed him. I will post a pic of him hopefully soon of him at full blow-up size. He's HUGE!!
Hopefully he's not blowing up too often, that is a stress reaction most times - although I have seen puffers puff just for the sake of doing so a few times (stretching, perhaps?)

What kind of trigger do you have, and what are the other fishes you have?

I presume it's a fish-only tank (no corals or inverts). A lot of the most entertaining fish don't work in a reef tank, but their big personalities make them hard to resist.

I have a Niger trigger with nice streamers. I also have a medium size clown trigger as well. This is a fish only tank as you guess correct. I also have a snowflake eel. They seem to be doing well in this tank. I'm setting up another tank as well and may make it a reef tank instead of an aggressive tank. Possibly chose some easy carol for the tank. I was on the website where I bought the puffer fish and found some easy mushrooms. I only have T5 florescent lights any other corals I could do that are easy. Thanks.

What type of fish do you have? How many tanks do you have?
ChazFishWorld;1043492 wrote:

What type of fish do you have? How many tanks do you have?

She has no tanks and no fish. She hasn't a clue what she is talking about. Matter of fact, she is from Canada to boot!!!! Just kidding.

Jenn is one of our resident experts. She owned her store for over ten years and been in the hobby since the Dead Sea was only sick.

Oh and btw, welcome. :)
rdnelson99;1043498 wrote: She has no tanks and no fish. She hasn't a clue what she is talking about. Matter of fact, she is from Canada to boot!!!! Just kidding.

Jenn is one of our resident experts. She owned her store for over ten years and been in the hobby since the Dead Sea was only sick.

Oh and btw, welcome. :)

Thanks and look forward to posting more fish here! :D
Welcome to the ARC, hope to see you at the next meeting (August), it will be announced on the threads.:D
LOL - not an expert. Just experienced.

And yes, taking a break from having my own tank(s) for a bit - but Brian plumbed up one for a customer on Saturday ;)

At one point I had 7 tanks at home (!) including seahorses and pipefish. I owned a store here locally from 2002-2013. I still have my toes in the trade with The Fish Store and my full time job is in water treatment (sales).

Once you get in, you never get out ;) I got my first aquarium in about 1986, and saltwater in about 1987.

This is my first fish I've ever received from an online store and the way it eats and acts seems like it is a very health puffer fish! So I'm very satisfied with my purchase. Here is another shot of my puffer fish."></a>

Do you guys know why I cant just load an image to the actual site?
