Swapping Tanks


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Well i figured id throw this out there for the experienced folks and see what kind of feed back i got. I will be swapping tanks here in the next three to four weeks and wanted to see what advice anyone had from previous experience. Ill be going from a 72 gal to 150 gal that will be set up in the exact location as the exisiting. The lighting set up will change as well from a tek sun system 4 x 54w T5 to 3 250w x 14k phoenix with 4 t5's actnics.

Now, ill need a little time to clean up the exisiting location but my initial thoughts would be to remove all the live stock to a kiddy pool with the same water as the 72 and a powerhead,heater, etc. then move the new tank in place then replace everything. Now should i replace the sand, and if i do, i really dont want to go through that huge dusty phase with the seachem again so not sure how that will work. So my guess is to just replace all the sand with new sand or just try to wash the heck out of the seachem and add some more to the existing sand.

Someone did suggest draning majority of the water out, then moving the the 72 onto a rolling cart and move it in the corner with a powerhead where i could easy move corals over one by one.

I also heard alot of horror stories about corals dying off after an extreme change in lighting but i really dont have the option to continuously lower the halides down each day so i figure ill try to just cut down on the lighting periods at first.

One more thing, although expensive, should i add an OM 2 way to this set up? Im not sure of the huge benefit of doing so at that cost...

Any input is greatly appreciated and ill also probably need some assistance if anyone would be willing. Id provide beer and food on a saturday for whoever...
How much time are you allowing from when you take the 70G down and having the 150G in place and running?

If you have the time and the space; I would move everything from the 70G except the sand, any rocks resting directly on the bottom, and a couple of inches of water. Move the 70G to an alternate position out of the way of where the 150G is going to go and set it back up in its entirety. Then take your time getting the 150G set up without having to rush anything. Assuming you are going to be adding a significant amount of rock that will need to cycle somewhat, use new sand and rinse it well just like a new set up.

As for the new lighting, you can throw a couple layers of egg crate or screens over the tank, keep the schedule the same and just remove layers as the corals acclimate to it.
Ill prob end up taking your route as noted above as i am in no hurry.
What are your thoughts about removing everthing from the 72 into a kiddie pool, then replacing all the corals,fish, rock, back in without the sand?

Thanks jeff, and did you do yours all in one night?
By the looks, you just used all existing rock but what about the sand?
Also, any casualities?
Wow, impressive...no big dust cloud for days? I mean im sure you washed the sand regardless but you know what i mean
Agree with Bud. On moving the tank...I just moved my 90 to get it out of the way for the 210..I drained 60 gallons of water and then lifted the stand and tank onto the plastic sliders (from Home Depot and they really work as advertised on TV)) and gently moved the tank to the other side of the room. It took just two people to slide it. I also took out the top layer of rock. If at all possible I would take out as much water as possible and leave fish in tank and then pump water back into tank as soon as possible.Advantage it does not stir up sand bed at all which is important. I am now working on the 210 taking my time to plumb, cycle, etc.

P.S. Just make sure your stand is worthy of the stress of sliding it. Mine is very sturdy. Not sure I would do with a cheap particle board based tank stand.

The only problem I see with that is any rock that is laying on the sand or touching it in any way, when it gets exposed it might have an impact but I'm not sure. Also I would be leery of using a kiddie pool with the rock. If possible try to borrow a rubbermaid stock tank. There are probably a few members that have an empty one you might be able to borrow or buy cheap.

gmpolan;526890 wrote: Bud,
Ill prob end up taking your route as noted above as i am in no hurry.
What are your thoughts about removing everthing from the 72 into a kiddie pool, then replacing all the corals,fish, rock, back in without the sand?

Thanks jeff, and did you do yours all in one night?
By the looks, you just used all existing rock but what about the sand?
Also, any casualities?
gmpolan;526899 wrote: Wow, impressive...no big dust cloud for days? I mean im sure you washed the sand regardless but you know what i mean

Nope, pics in there are literally a few minutes after I turned the lights back on. Used "Special Grade Sea Flor" sand, has particles small enough to be sifted by a diamond goby, but big enough to stay mostly in place, even when I had 2 Tunze 6100s in there.