Switching from chaeto to ogo or ulva?


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Sandy Springs
I'm contemplating a switch from chaeto to ogo, ulva or some other more tang-friendly macro. Who has made the switch from chaeto? What did you go to? Did you run into any issues? The fuge is my only nutrient filter, so I want to be a bit cautious.
I ran dragons breath in the past, but lost it all in a move. When I started my fuge up again I used ulva, and it did well for a while, but my herbivores never liked it, and it wouldn’t stop clogging the teeth of the refugium which was a pain. I got tired of it any finally switched to chaeto and haven’t looked back. It’s been the easiest for me so far.
Interesting. Never thought about the clogging aspect with ulva. Would you say the dragons breath was any more or less effective than chaeto?
A lot if people run ulva and have no problems, so don’t knock it. In my specific sump it just didn’t seem to work the best is all. And the dragons breath was super cool to watch grow, my only complaint with it was that it would root to the sides which sometimes made it harder to trim than the chaeto. I just pull handfuls of that stuff out haha. Both are efficient nutrients exports!
I like ulva... but it does get everywhere. At one point it migrated from my sump and was growing freely in the display live rock. A little GFO and time... the clean up crew knocked it back down and now it’s all gone. Need to get more. You do want a fine mesh fuge for it for sure.

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