Switching Salt Mix - Any Special Care Needed?

linda lee

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Considering switching from IO to Seachem. Is there anything we need to do to change gradually?


1/4 Seachem - 3/4 IO / WC #1
1/2 Seachem - 1/2 IO / WC #2
3/4 Seachem - 1/4 IO / WC #3
100% Seachem / WC #4

Or is the change between salt mixes insignificant enough that the livestock will never be bothered?

I know this is not like switching from Pedigree dog food to Nutro where we had to abide by those ratios, but figured we might need to do a similar gradual switch-over. Our tank is stressed right now while we battle ich and I don't want to add any additional burden that might make things worse.
I think just by doing regular water changes you cover the ratios. If you were replacing all the water at once you may have to break it down like that, but since you're only changing 10-20% at a time, it will eventually be replaced (although mathematically it will never totally be replaced) just doing changes should be enough. I'm planning to switch from Reef Crystals to SeaChem as well, and if there's any salt left in the bucket of RC, I'll just add them to the first change with SC.
Your tank won't get the runs like a dog will if you switch too fast ;)

Back in the day I used to switch back and forth to whatever was on sale - and I used some CRAPPY salt mixes... other than crappy salt that didn't like to dissolve forever, I had no ill effects in the tank. I've switched here at the shop from time to time - ie if I ran out of store use salt, I took whatever brand off the shelf that I had the most of, and not had any problems.
