switching tanks


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i have a 10 gallon tank right know with a couple soft corals 2 clowns some snails some crabs and some live rock what process should i take to move everything to my new 29 gallon?
You keeping all that same stuff from one tank to the next (Sand, Rocks, Water)?
Xyzpdq0121;65710 wrote: You keeping all that same stuff from one tank to the next (Sand, Rocks, Water)?

if he is wouldn't he just move all his stuff and the tank would be technicly(sp) cycled exept for the tank itself and the filter(s) which he could posible try to run the new one and the old one at the same time to try to ballance it out but this is just an opinion Please correct me if i am wrong and add to it
I'm all ears, as I'm upgrading from a 30 to a 50 this week (I know, not much of an upgrade, but I like the 36 inches long, its the 12 inches width/depth that I didn't like)

I think I've got all the bases covered:

Additional live rock and sand has been cycling for in a tub for over a month with no ammonia spike.

Bought additional new sand to add to the substrate to make up for the larger footprint to keep the DSB at the right level

Buying (searching out) eggcrate to line the bottom, so the rock wont grind on the bottom glass while aquascaping (I hate that)

Buying a Magnum HOT from Tony to clear the water from any cloudiness. The diatom fiter in a Magnum really works for this!

Assemblying all the coolers and any vessel that remotely looks like it would hold water.

Bought fresh salt

Plans to retro-fit my stand to make it more user friendly, once the old tank is broken down.

Plans to install a ground fault circut in reciptical

Catch Black and White Clarkii, pawn it off......er.... trade or sell it to someone, buy perc pair, quarintine them in 5 gal tank until Display tank is ready

Have short list of reefers to call to help me, prepared for them to say they are busy and thinking of how I can do it all my self in under 3 hours.......

By Sunday I anticipate being sick of the whole thing and post an ad in the forums for a massive fish sale.....
If you are moving everything over (and you son't have a deep sand bed, which I doubt in a 10 gal) then yes it is a pretty simple move.

1) start with about 20 gallons of RO and mix in salt.

2) Let the fresh saltwater mix overnight

3) Remove the LR and cover with a wet towel or in a bucket of water

4) Move the fish and crabs to a 5 gallon bucket with old tank water in it and an airstone if you have one

5) drain the rest of the 10 gallon tank and dicard that water

6) Place base rocks into the 29 gal tank (yes before the sand, you want the rock to sit flat against the bottom)

7) Place any new sand that yo might be adding down around the base rocks

8) Place old sand from the 10 gal on top of the new sand

9) Finish placing rocks into the tank

10) Add new, mixed saltwater to the tank

11) Let the tank settle

12) add the fish back in

13) top of the tank with the old water that was saved with the fish

14) Hook up filters and supporting devices

15) Hit the power and pray for the best.

16) Make sure you have RO water on hand and test your water about every other day for the fist 8 days to make sure you did not stir up any crud that might make a ammonia or NO2/NO3 spike!
I'd be careful using the old sand... it could cause a cycle that your fish may not live through. (Depending on how much sand you actually have)
Wei, I got a bucket of sand from Ouling about 3 weeks ago, I dumped it in the same vat that I've been cycling dead live rock, as the rock had already been in the water for weeks. I'd planned on using eggcrate on the bottom, followed by the new sand, then seed the new stuff with Ouling"s sand, spread a little nylon screen over the sand, and then add my old substrate....

Does this plan seem like it could cause an ammonia spike?
kappaknight;65770 wrote: I'd be careful using the old sand... it could cause a cycle that your fish may not live through. (Depending on how much sand you actually have)

For a shallow sand bed, I do not see this being a problem but Wei is right, it could be, hence, check your levels and be prepared to do a water change if needed.
I'm sorry to hijack this thread, but at least it is still on topic......

What about a refugium? I planned on getting additional sand to form a 6" bed in a new refugium.... Would I run into the same problem here?
to be on the safe side let the fuge cycle.( i think u are talking about a new fuge if not disregard this)
GOODOLEBOYZ250;66032 wrote: i got 20 lbs of old sand in the 10 is that to much to move?

20 lbs of sand should be DSB in that 10 gal right? In that case, you are better starting off the new tank with NEW sand. DSBs have a whole bunch of nasty stuff that you do not want to disturb!!!
Dakota9;65839 wrote: I'm sorry to hijack this thread, but at least it is still on topic......

What about a refugium? I planned on getting additional sand to form a 6" bed in a new refugium.... Would I run into the same problem here?

Hey Dakota, This is a tricky situation... you are not suppost to add more then about 1/4" at a time to ANY sand bed, including a fuge. So you can do it but just add 1/4" per week for three weeks and then take a week off and then continue on that schedule till you get to 6". That is how I would do it...
yea pateince is the key to this hobby. also money, reading, and time.
hm...... Then I'll probably just go with new sand in the refugium at first, topping it off with fresh live sand 1/2" at a time as I go.......

so dont use none of my old sand?if not how much new sand for a 29 and do i add it all when i start it up?also if i use new sand wont i have to wait to put the fish and corals in to let it cycle?
Xyzpdq0121;66058 wrote: Hey Dakota, This is a tricky situation... you can do it but just add 1/4" per week for three weeks and then take a week off and then continue on that schedule till you get to 6". That is how I would do it...

I get tons of spam emails that promise these results


(sorry, if I didn't say it, I know Loren would have)