symbiotic relationship?


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What are some symbiotic relationships between fish and inverts? I love watching these and would love to have one form in my 10g tank (fishless so far)
Do you have to get them already paired or will two species know to pair up usually form a relationship automatically?
The problem with that and a 10 gal is most of those symbiotic relationships are from fish who require a deep sand bed of about 4". I doubt you have that in a 10 gallon so they can make a home in the sand. They are really cool to watch though!
a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp. They will hang out together in the same cave. the only problem is they stay at the bottom in the mouth of the cave. Not much to watch by themselves
sexy shrimp and a small anemone is always fun...i second that on the pistol shrimp
My favorite is a Huma Huma Trigger and Peppermint shrimp.

Not sure how they got the name peppermint....actually they kinda taste like soggy chicken although I'm sure Soggy Chicken shrimp would be a marketing disaster.