Syringes for anemone fighting


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Before I walk into a drugstore and sound like some crazed junkie, I figured I'd see if anyone knows:

Can you just buy syringes (as in with needles) in a drugstore in this state?

I have a growing curly cue anemone problem. They're related to Aptasia, but I have never heard of peppermint shrimp eating them. I figured I'd go after them with home made kalk juice.
Yes you can... You might get a funny look but they can not NOT sell them to you... If you were a junky, they have to give you a clean needle to be a junky with...

They might ask you what you need it for... you will get even a stranger look when you say... "Umm, for my fish tank!" Ya right.. Just like the 4 x 400W Halides that the postman delivered were for growing corals, not weed!!! I sware to got my UPS man thinks I am making Meth in my crawl space!!!
I jusst got mine from the vet. They were free! Ha they're going to call the cops on you!
I've got a few if you would like, but I can tell you that the kalk will get caught in the needle. The needles are much smaller then you think. I would just buy a bottle of Joe's juice and once that runs out use the syring from that with the kalk mix. That's what I do.

I was thinking that if I had a problem with Kalk clogging that I'd order some of the low gauge horse needles from Drs. Foster & Smith, but I wanted to get on trying to kill them ASAP.

I can get you those...different volume syringes and different gauge needles.(sounds really bad)..let me know what you need,,,typically i use the larger gauge needles (the higher the gauge the smaller the needle opening and diameter) because its easier to stick the aiptasia, but yes it will get clogged easier too...

No you cant walk into a drug store and ask for'll need a prescription....

p.s for all of you wondering, no im not a druggie
Hi...working with medicine every day(no im not a drug pusher :) )--well kinda ... xyzp is right that you can walk into a pharmacy to ask for needles..There is no state law that says you need a physicians prescription. However pharmacy's are NOT required by law to give you needles and syringes. This is left up to the descretion of the pharmacist. So dress smartly and ask nicely and you shall recieve.

I have used kalk in the past to kill those *&^*** but the problem is that they always came back...i solved this by adding peppermint shrimp to my tank and my problems were solved...

i feel your pain. i have access to needles and syringes and will gladly pass some to you, if you pharmacist gives you the evil eye......maybe i could order a big supply and share them with the club at the next meeting if there was a demand??? (you'd have to give me your scouts honor that they would be used wisely)
Marine Depot (and others, I'm sure)">sell little tips</a> to go on the end of their syringe. They work fantastic and make it much easier to get to places that your wrist just won't bend to.

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Hahaha! This reminds me of when I was in college and needed to get one for my tank. I had this elaborate story planned for the pharmacist about my roommate being diabetic and needing more because he was out. He was sending me out to get them. I am pretty sure that I was dumping sweat and looked like a complete moron but I did in fact score a bag of 25 of them if I remember. Ha! Good times in reefkeeping! :) :) :)
Well, they don't *have* to give you a diabetes needle and they can all look at you funny while you explain what it's for.

I was at Walgreens at Mansel and Alpharetta Highway and got no less than 4 pharmacists and 1 manager looking at me like I was crazy. I was asked if I had a diabetes prescription and told, after explaining at length what I wanted it for (more strange looks), that a vet prescription would be needed.

I think Drs. Foster and Smith will ship to GA without a prescription so that's what I'm going to do.

And avoid that Walgreens.
I'll bring a few to the meeting on Tuesday, if your going to be there.

I'll be there. Would be nice to have a test round before I buy the 100 lot from Drs Foster and Smith. :) Thanks.
Sorry I missed you, I sent a whole pack of them home with Kevin. He mentioned that he would see you soon.

Rob, thanks for remembering those. And thanks to Kevin for brining them.

I went after the first few curly cue anemones last night, but didn't have time to check on them this morning.