T-5 and SPS


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Much discussion has been made about T-5s and SPS. Some have posted the certain SPS do very well in a T-5 lighted tank while other SPS do not do very well and in fact struggle. We all know that SPS can thrive in the right t-5 environment depending on depth, overdriven bulbs, i.e VHO versus HO etc. The question for the experts is not to debate the MH versus t-5s as that has been done many times.

<span style="color: Blue;">My question, which do well and which ones should we not even consider for a T-5 lighted tank? </span>We all know that there are certain parameters based on the lighting, size of tank, depth etc. Not really trying to get into all that but just get a better understanding of which SPS works better in a T-5 tank. Let the discussions begin.

All I know is both of my birdsnests have grown like weeds for me so far
I agree with Ares, there are too many variables. But, light wise, Ts probably can sustain anything, its just a matter of how well some corals do under them.

Maybe something I'd like to see is a post where folks state their lighting specs and state what sps they have that are exceptionally well, and which are not.

My list would be:
(under 8 x overdriven 54W[80W] T5s, 30" deep tank)

Birsdsnest - pink and phonape are doing fantastic
Torts - Cali, miagi, unknown - all have good color, and growth is good

I hve many others that are doing well, but those are the notable ones in my opinion.

Tricolor Validia - never really looks good
Monitpora - none of my montis seem to perform as well as I would expect. Includes caps, and digis. Kinda odd, but I'm not thinking it is light related.

Incredibly (to me) I have a kryptonite green mille that is a tiny frag that fell on the sand bed (250 par) and it is doing really well. Strange.
The only two corasl that I don't like the color of under my t5s is the ora pearl berry and a few millis. The pearlberry is only white near the tips with some purple at the very tips and green otherwise. Some, not all multi color millis/prostatas also don't give me farm fuzzy feelings as the entire coral can often be one solid color in mine. I think both of these issues have a lot to do with shading differences between MH and T5s as mhs inherently cause low light areas on an acro while t5s provide lighting all around. Some colors are produced on the same coral by various intensities of light... at least that's my theory on it. I really enjoy the color of everything else though and vastly prefer them under my t5s for the most part.

I do agree with other posters supra though that color is complex and is so much more than just lighting alone... I've seen many a tank with the same lighting as mine but lack the same coloration on the same corals. The same can be said for Joe's tank which has amazing colors that most other mh users cannot replicate. I actually think he's got the step up on me in terms of colors but at least my electricity bill is lower! :yuk:
As stated different variables apply. Pollutants/stocking list for one. I kept many acro's and monti's under vho's in a 100gal, but had only 2 percs, a
sixline, gramma and 2 of satan's hand picked damsel's.
Filtration should also be accounted for.
Pollutants are a good point that many of us overlook. We have so many chemicals and pollutants in the air in our homes and many of them end up in our tanks since. My wife was keen on burning scented candles in the house for a few months. I loved the smell but I also noticed a lot less polyp extension and loss of color in some of my corals. A week or two after some water changes and destruction of those candles the tank has never looked better. It could be mere coincidence but to be safe no more candle burning of any kind is allowed in this household. :)