

here is the link
T6 bulbs are larger than T5. The reason T5s are used is because of their diminutive size. They have the same wattage as those T6s but they are smaller so you can put a smaller reflector on them. It's all about the reflector when it comes to T5s. Those T6s don't come with a reflector so I wouldn't recommend them...
I don't have bad ratings... as I don't have personal experience. I can only surmise that they would not be as effective as a comparable T5 setup due to the lack of individual reflectors.

I'm not here to sell you on T5s or recommend any fixtures complete with prices for you. I don't get commission checks from the T5 corporation :). I'll point you in the right direction though so you can do your own homework. I would recommend you look at hellolighting or reefgeek for T5 retro kits if you have a canopy and look on reefcentral's lighting forum for more info on T5 fixtures if you're going open top.

G'luck, feel free to ask any questions you might have.
yeah i think im going to give it a shot hey ace look at this site
Sorry for your loss :sad:. I think your best bet in terms of cost effectiveness is to just be patient and pick up some used quality units here on ARC or craigslist or reefcentral. Typically used items are about 50% of retail.
yeah yeah u guys look for used lighting on here........i picked up an 8 bulb catalina T5 fixture with 8 good bulbs and 6 extra bulbs for 200 bux it was a 48 inch fixture post up in the want to buy section u will find something used.....
its what i have always been told if u are gonna skip out on ur tank and go the cheap way you can do it in all areas except lighting.........lighting is the one place u want to save a little extra and spend the money to get a good used or new set up that has a good reputation because u dont want to buy a cheap light taht doesnt get the job done just to have to replace it later on when it messes up.
I'll just throw this out there....do the lighting right. Even if it takes you a little bit to save up. You WILL be upset if you skimp on lighting. You'll eventually have to redo it and end up spending more in the long run.....take it from me, I know :) Just looking for lighting here, or post what you want. you'll get responses. G'luck
I think these guys are right. If you want to keep corals, you gotta put the cash into lighting. I dont think Jin or Charlie are trying to put down that fixture because it's cheaper or not the norm. They are just speaking from a great deal of experience.

The thing bout the reflectors makes perfect sense though. THink about it, the bulb emits light in all directions. You need it to all go down into the tank, otherwise teh vast majority of it is lost bouncing around in the fixture.