T5 life span


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This may be a silly question, but I understand T5 bulbs are good for about a year. I run my blues 10 hours a day and my whites 3 hours. Should the whites last more than a year or is the duration they are on insignificant to their life span?
T5's decrease in output as soon as they are turned on and continue to decline up to about 6 months old. At that point, they have declined just about as far as possible and will hold steady for another 4-6 months depending on run time. IMO, you should change them annually regardless. I think a lot of folks change them out at 8 - 10 months.
I think Kevin is trying to ask if it matters if he uses one set 10 hours vs 3 hours a day, and from my understanding with T5's is that a lot of the burn is through the initial fire of the bulbs each day. So, having it 3 hours vs. 10 hours is minimal difference on wear and tear. Hope that helps.
I've always tried to get a yr out of them. Get this, my used ones I give to another reefer ,and he uses for 6 to 8 months more.
That's an interesting question. Logic tells me that 3 hours a day vs 10 hours would mean that the whites should last longer, but I don't know. If I were you, I would change the blues every 8 months and the whites once/year.
I was wondering the same thing,
My t5s only run for 3-4 hours a day.
I think that the amount of time it runs can take a toll on the bulbs, but it's more about the initial firing of the bulbs.
As stated above, it's the firing that is he main wear and tear on the bulbs. Once started, it's insignificant. There were PAR and CR (color rendering) charts out for a lot of different bulbs and in nearly every single case, both diminish rapidly in the first 3 months then begin to level off.
Overdriven 4-8 months - recommended replacement at 6 months.

Standard 8-12 months. - recommended replacement at 9 months.

I used them for supplementation so I changed mine when they burned out and eventually went LED for that part.

If you use them for your main lighting I usually would recommend you change them one bulb at a time throughout the year so you dont get that new bulb brightness and burn some corals. Also good for making you think your not spending that much on bulbs.
Great information and thank you for explaining this. I'm still learning something new about this hobby every day.