T5 Lighting


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I just changed from a 400 watt MH to 432 watts of T5 lamps. The MH lamp was 14K and the T5's are 4 actinic and 4 10K. The look of the MH was much better to me but the heat factor prompted me to try the T5's.
To my surprize the corals LOVE the new lighting. Everything loves it. I have never seen better polyp extension, my mushrooms have doubled in size. Nickel sized polyps are now quarter sized, the yellow polyps went from 1/2 inch extension to 1 1/5 inches. My tomato anemone was about 5 inches across, and now it is a very large ( this my be a problem ) 8 inches. My Maxima clam looks like it's going to split it's open so far and the color is much more electric. :up:
I like the way the actinics flouresce my tank. The only problem is now my live rock color is kinda green/yellow. Where the rock was a dull brown before with the MH lights.
The lighting was a retro and took about 10 minutes to install. It came with two switches and two power cords.
Total cost was $339 delivered.

T. Fox
Do you think they're extending more because they need more lighting now than they did before?

Personally I didn't notice a difference in extension when I switched from 250w MH to T5s. That doesn't mean it didn't happen though :p.
Personally, I'd like someone to measure the light output of both fixtures. I think you'd get more lumens with 432 watts of T5's than with 400 watts of MH.
I think in the top 10" -15" the light output would be close, but MH would win the battle at the lower depths. This all depends on the type of T5 reflectors that were used.
I switch from 4 250 watt mh 10,000k to 16 48" T5s. The par reading I was getting at the bottom of my tank with the Halides was 145 the par reading I am getting on the bottom with the T5's is 203.
Here is my par reading using the 16 48" T5's
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