T5 lights for a 75 ga ?


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Just looking ahead and trying to figure out how much is enough. I know I am not going to do MH so that is easy.
I am looking at T5 and these are the options.
2x54w 10K and 2x54w actinic or 4x54w 10K and 4x54w actinic.

So is 216w enough or should it be 432w?

Budget limited but when I make this purchase I don't want to wish I would have waited a little longer and spent more.

Hey there!
If you're looking for new lights im not sure if this is what you're wanting or not, but i have a fixture for a 75 for sale now :)

3. Odyssea 48" Dual Strip Light Fixture
As the title says, an Odyssea 48" Dual Strip Light Fixture. The sticker on the back reads:
"ODYSSEA---Compact Flourescent---Dual Strip 48" 260W---CF 65W 12,000K(2)---CF 65W Actinic Blue(2)</em>
This light looks BRAND freakin new and includes the legs, which i am told doesnt always come with it. I really love this light, but simply dont have a place for it on my 55 :yes: I have also been told it is worth several hundred dollars.

<p style="text-align:right;">$100.00 or Best Offer

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Not sure if thats what you're lookin for, but if it is then im glad i could be helpful! haha, if not just ignore me ;)

Happy Reefing!
It really depends on what you plain on keeping. (tpyes of corals) and how fast you want them to grow.

Also there is a big differance between T-5 fixtures. the type refectors/ ballast,cooling... can more than double the light output of your lamp or not!!!
The lighting system above is a good starting point and will keep most corals alive. Then maybe upgrage if needed, the price is good. Remember lamps need to replaced so often because they loose thier intensity over time And heat exposer.
http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/member.php?u=1112">wbholwell</a>-At 13" deep, I would say most any coral. If you drive them with an Icecap ballast, you'd have a pretty amazing setup.


i just wanted to give credit to whom i got it from...
well the link did not work try this one

same thing just the other one didn't work

I would go with a retrofit if you have a canopy. You can start with 4 t-5's and add more if you need later. That way you are not straped into a fixture. The new Tek reflectors look really cool, should work very well and are not too expensive. Color options of the bulbs are unlimited. If you were going with a 4 lamp set up I would do :2 x 10K and 2 x either Actinic + or pure actinic. If you are going with 6 lamps, I would do 1 x 6500K, 2 x 10 K, and a mixture of actinic + and pure actinic for the other three. If you go 8 lamps, the sky is the limit but I would go with 2 of each of the bulbs named above.

If you are in no hurry, my t-5 lamps SHOULD be hooked up in the next two to three weeks and you can come take a look at the different color options and see what might work for your tastes.
Xyzpdq0121;67194 wrote: Rawn,

I would go with a retrofit if you have a canopy. You can start with 4 t-5's and add more if you need later. That way you are not straped into a fixture. The new Tek reflectors look really cool, should work very well and are not too expensive. Color options of the bulbs are unlimited. If you were going with a 4 lamp set up I would do :2 x 10K and 2 x either Actinic + or pure actinic. If you are going with 6 lamps, I would do 1 x 6500K, 2 x 10 K, and a mixture of actinic + and pure actinic for the other three. If you go 8 lamps, the sky is the limit but I would go with 2 of each of the bulbs named above.

If you are in no hurry, my t-5 lamps SHOULD be hooked up in the next two to three weeks and you can come take a look at the different color options and see what might work for your tastes.
yeah brandon has a point going with retro is your best option im getting this same retro kit but im getting icap reflectors they are a little more narrow and you can put more next to each other plus its a better reflector you can contact sam at aquabuys he sales them and at a good price
I'm going to hijack his thread.

What if I don't have a canopy? Is the TEK 8 lamp fixture decent? What kind of reflector they use? and what kind of ballast they have? How can I overdrive those ballast?

Thanks, I'm a noob with this and never even seen t5 in person before.
The canopy I have right now would have the bulbs about 12" off the water is that to high? That is why I was looking at a fixture but am very flexible and it will be a while before I do this. Just got sump and fuge running and out of money LOL.
One more question about the retro kit. What are the dimensions of the entire unit? I may be able to replace one light at a time
ouling;67203 wrote: What about something like thishttp://cgi.ebay.com/MONSTER-T5-FLUORESCENT-PLANT-GROW-LIGHT-REPS-400-hps-mh_W0QQitemZ260146917536QQihZ016QQcategoryZ43555QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem">http://cgi.ebay.com/MONSTER-T5-FLUORESCENT-PLANT-GROW-LIGHT-REPS-400-hps-mh_W0QQitemZ260146917536QQihZ016QQcategoryZ43555QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem</a>[/QUOTE]

This would be a big waste of electicity, bulb$... a good 8 bulb fixture with with individual parabolic reflectors can put out more useable light than that 16 bulb unit. At much less power bill.

12" is a bit high for t-5s. you waste a lot of light. 4" is more the norm
Yeah definitely need single reflectors for each bulb otherwise I don't see the point. I think an 8 bulb fixture would be too deep from front to back for a 75 gallon unless you want to light up your overflows lol. Retro is the way to go as far as saving money and you could start small and get more down the road. I'm about to make the t5 upgrade and ill be starting with 4 bulbs and then adding 2 later if needed. I spoke with Sam at Aquabuys and he was REALLY helpful and has great prices too you should give him a call. Also you could use chain and hang the bulbs down a little so you dont have them so high off the water.

Maybe Rit (reef1973) could take a quick snap of his hanging down so you could get an idea.

Good luck hope this helps a little:up:
also those 12inches are too much but u can get some wood and make it lower and still come up with the canopy. just go to home depot and just think.