Tail and Fin Rot


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<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">I just bought a new Lion Fish. I have fed him feeder and he ate with no problem. Now this guy has fin and tail rot. I have put in Melaflex and Zoe. Does anyone have any suggestions?</span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Thanks</span></span>
I had a Chromis with it one time and I just soaked the food in Garlic Guard and it fixed the problem!
Fin rot is almost always due to poor environmental conditions. Remedy those, and hope your fish will respond in kind.

PS: feeders are a terrible diet for lions. Long term health and success will be found with another diet.
Now that I think about it those feeders are probly the culprit. Now I have to try and get him well again. Should I put him in the refugium and medicate? Any sugestions on how to save him?