Talk me out of purchasing an Apex Jr.


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ok... so it controls 5 units right?
That would be the head unit, the outlets, the main apex and ... what?

sorry.. its just been a while.

Why do i need the full version
I have had both, and it really depends on what you are planning on doing in regards to maintaining alk and cal and whether or not you are going to end up setting up other tanks down the road. If you are going to go with a CalRx, then Full Apex for sure. It will end up costing you more down the road if you have to buy another Energy Bar and 2 PM1 modules. My vote is almost always going to be a Full Apex if you plan on adding any other type of tank down the road (i.e. Frag, QT, Growout, Etc...). The Jr. just limits you too much.
To put it simply, you will regret getting the Jr down the road.

There are a ton of things that the JR doesn't have when compared to the standard.

For starters, you only get 4 outlets instead of 8. I don't know much about your set-up, but I'd like to think you will have a return pump, lighting, skimmer, powerhead(s), heater(s) and maybe something else? Even if each device only has a single plug, you are already out of outlets on the Apex Jr. If you want to do any sort of variable stuff (dimming lights, ramping powerheads, etc), you will have to get a module with the Apex Jr. Including the module, you are now looking at $380-$400 and $450 if you want to upgrade to the 8 outlet energy bar. To me, the full apex is worth the extra $50 instead of upgrading a Jr. up to what comes with the standard on it's own.

In terms of programming and modules, etc. The Jr allows 5 while the Standard allows 240. Sure, you won't use 240 modules... but you might use more than 5.
When I bought my first Apex I bought the Jr. Sold it four months later and bought the full package.
full apex all the way. If you're like me, or most of us, you'll end up thinking up some project to do down the road and wish that you had the extra outlets or features that come with the full unit. and like crawford said, by the time you buy another module and eb8 you will have added a only few features for almost the same price as the full apex and you could have had them all if you got the full unit.
if you want the full i have one, on the items for sale, save some money and only 4 months old