talk to me about your anemone


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okay so I bought a bubble tip last week and in the fish store he was under fluorescent lamps, I have leds. he was acting normal the first day or 2 then he decided to crawl into a cave, when the lights are off he's big and beautiful when the lights come back on he shrinks up. is he just adjusting to the lights? my take is 9 months old, calcium is 460, ph is 8.0, alkalinity is 4 on seachem, nitrates around 1.5 ppm, what temperature is 79 degrees do they just act weird at first, when getting use to a tank?
I would ASSUME that its is the light that is bothering him.

If your water parameters are ok he should move to a comfortable location over time.....

I would agree with Snow but, when you say your alkalinity is 4 are you saying mg/l or dKh? If it is dKh it is way low.
rdnelson99;781416 wrote: I would agree with Snow but, when you say your alkalinity is 4 are you saying mg/l or dKh? If it is dKh it is way low.

good eye