Tang behaving odd after <10% water change


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Topped up ~3g of my 40g tank today after drop acclimating a new fish yesterday. It was cloudy, so I added half a dose of Clarity to clear things up.

My tang (been in the tank a month) is now behaving oddly and isn’t eating (it’s usually a food hog). It has been crazy active/bullish all day with the new fish, but now is super sluggish.

Levels are normal (0 am, 0 nitrite, 10 mg/L nitrate, 7.8ph). No sign of ich or other identifiable signs of disease.

Any advice or thoughts? Is it just worn out or should I be concerned?

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Also: all other fish seem fine. Added some Premium Seaweed and the other 4 fish all went after it. Tried mysis with the same response: tang ignored it and everyone else went into feeding frenzy.

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Made the water with my RODI. TDS tested normal.

Salinity is at 1.025, in the DT and in the water I added.

Tank has been running for 11 weeks.
It mixed for 2.5 hours. Same Vibrant Sea salt that has been used since I filled the tank.

When I put it in, it disturbed the sand and kicked up some debris into the water. It hadn’t cleared up after 2 hrs, so I dosed a single capful of Clarity to help.
Theres a couple thread results on Google about clarity having adverse effects on certain fish but nothing specfic to tangs.
If you think it may be the clarity, maybe do another water change to dilute
Just checked my skimmer and it appears that most of it was sucked into the intake (or atleast that’s my assumption based on the color of the foam)

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