Tang help


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I bought a small/medium sized powder brown tang who was extremely healthy in the store (at least looked that way) and he's showing some marks/whitish circles on his body (not ich). It looks like maybe he's scratching up against rock or something. He's eating like a pig and hasn't ever had ich since I've had him. I feed 2x a day with various frozen foods as well as hang dry and live seaweed every other day for him to graze on. He's currently only in a 75g tank, but this is only temporary since my 300g will be up and running shortly which is why I bought him. He doesn't seem to be to large for a 75g at this point since he's a small/medium size. I have no other tangs that could be beating him up so I'm kinda confused and wondering if it's maybe a parasite or infection of some kind. He's swimming around and eating very healthily. It's a sps tank so the water quality is very clean and is most def not the issue.

If anyone has an idea on what it is please inform me and let me know how to remedy it, he's only been in the 75g for about 2 weeks and it will be another month before he goes in the 300g. I'm sure he will appreciate the extra swimming room.

Edit: Now that I look at him again the circles are more so patches of grayish looking abbrassion marks. That's a more accurate desciption, and I'm wondering if it's a parasite of some kind because they have formed on both sides of his cheek area.
Pics would help, but my money is on territory battle. What other fish are in the tank and are they possibly from rival gangs?
Which Powder Brown is it?
Acanthurus japonicus
Acanthurus nigricans
I forgot about my BSJF also but the only thing he can harm is the snails that dare walk away after he uses them to build his house, very entertaining watching his temper tantrums when his house walks away.

here's my pencil wrasse, I love him but I feel bad because he needs a bigger tank asap. I just couldn't pass him up for $50 though. He'll soon be in the 300 though. If anyone wants one of these fish a tight lid is a must. He's jumped out of the tank 7 times now and the only times I take my tops off is when I'm feeding and cleaning. He rockets out of the tank whenever I'm doing maintence, but he's very healthy and beautiful. Sorry for the crappy photo it's what I already had on photobucket.

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I'll get a photo of the tang at a feeding time in a short while. And I'm not to positive which species of powder brown he is, I'll look up the differences and post back shortly with which one he is.
like others said it could just be signs of stress... but stress could lead to ich.. I would be prevantative and feed mysis soaked in garlic guard w/ metro and focus once a day.. help keep his immune system strong while he adjusts... He will get stressed again when he goes to the 300..
Maybe I'll leave him in the 75g for longer if it's stress related before he's switched over to the 300g. But I did some research and he's not the white cheek tang but the actual powder brown tang aka the more finicky of the two. second feeding time is in about 45 minutes so I'll snap a pic of him then. But I think I would like to treat for a parasite/infection on top of allowing him to become more comfortable and garlic soaking the food. Which non-copper medicines seem to work the best for tangs? I usually use the seachem products, the one's with the long scientifical names that come in tubes. Which ones should I treat with?

I'm guessing this is fine but can I just soak my dry seaweed and live nori in garlic before clipping them onto the lettuce clips? He loves to graze off them so I know he will ingest the garlic that way for sure.