Tang swimming bladder issues?


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Mall of GA
My big purple tang is having trouble swimming - he keeps floating upward tail first and struggles to maintain his buoyancy.
I've been doing some research and can't really find anything definitive. It seems that he may have gas in his bladder or may be constipated?
Has anyone else had this issue? I'll try to post a video tomorrow
Sorry to hear about your tang. When I had fresh water fish I had a Madagascar Rainbow that had swimming issues due to constipation. I had to separate the fish in an acclimation box. I was able to feed him a skinless green pea using tweezers. After two days, the acclimation box had a bunch of poop in it and the fish was swimming normal.
That's what I was going to say. I'd alternate between epsom salt mixed with the food and Focus with General Cure mixed in the food.
The epsom salt will act as a laxative and General Cure has Metro & Prazi that will kill internal parasites in case it has worms.