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So the general rule is that you can't put tangs of similar shape in with each other or they'll fight.

So there is the zebrasoma (yellow, purple, sailfin, etc), acanthurus (powders, convict), blue regal (I think he's the only one in that genus), naso, etc.

I currently have a yellow tang. My wife wants a naso so I'm going to get one for her.

My question is whether I can put a brown powder in with a naso. Are they too similar?

These will be in a 180g.
dude i have a yellow and a purple in thhe 90 and they are attacged to the hip .......i also have a tomini ....if you put them in at the same time should be fine but ill let other chime in on that one
nope Victor ...you are just about right on this ...now I did have problems with a powder brown beating the crap out of my hipo
In my experience with Naso Tangs, they seem to be very peaceful compared to any of the other tangs out there. I wouldn't think you would have a problem with the Powder Brown. The Yellow is the nasty one that might chase any tang.
Heck I have a yellow, purple, sailfin, PB, Tomingi, Naso, Chocolate, and a hippo and they all get along, of coarse I have a slightly larger tank.
I have 3 yellows, purple, desjardini and sohal. All get along pretty well. one yellow give the purple a hard time, but nothing too bad.

From what I have read, introduce them at the same time and you'll be okay. Also, leave the most aggresive as the last fish added (acanturus)
I just put a sailfin in with my yellow tang. I know your not supposed to and I'll admit it was sort of an impulse buy. I pulled the yellow tang out for a week while the sailfin got used to the tank and then put the yellow back in.
For the first couple of days I thought I would need to get rid of one or the other but now they swim around and eat right next to each other. I think it's hit or miss, I would just make sure you have a way to separate them if it doesn't work out.
If you go with the Powder Brown make sure you try and find acantharus japonicus rather than a. nigricans. unless you really prefer the nigricans for some reason.
I have 6 yellow, 1 purple, 1 regal, 1 powder blue, 1 sailfin, 1 unicorn, 1 blonde naso, 1 tamenii, and im sure theres more.

I have very little issue with introducing different tangs into the system. I have a trick that I use that helps alot.

Before dropping in a tang, print out pictures from the internet of other tangs. When i say print out 100 do it. The more the better. Stick them to the tang facing in over. Then drop the new tangs in. Leave the printouts stuck to the tank for a few days, reducing them slowly until you have nothing. This usually does the trick.

I hope it helps.
With tangs, I've notice 4 requirements for them to get along.
1. They need room (self-explanatory)
2. Hiding space. When threaten or scared they love to go to their hiding place. This place is also use to sleep for the night. If they don't have a place to sleep, they will stress and died.
3. FOOD! A fat happy fish doesn't feel the need to fight if he's being feed regularly and often.
4. Try to avoid introducing tangs singularly. It helps prevent from one fish from being picked on in the tank during the "gang initiation" phase, as I like to call it.

Right now I have a YT, PT, Blue, and Sailfin that all playing together. My favorite thing to do is watch 2 of them swim in front of the modded maxijet. The Blue and sailfin lineup in the slipstream of the maxijet and will swim for a few minutes like they are on a tread mill. They'll then come out and the PT and YT lineup and do the same, each taking turns.
Simon that is a great suggestion.

Everyone, thanks for you comments.

Simon.Kruger;140816 wrote: I have 6 yellow, 1 purple, 1 regal, 1 powder blue, 1 sailfin, 1 unicorn, 1 blonde naso, 1 tamenii, and im sure theres more.

I have very little issue with introducing different tangs into the system. I have a trick that I use that helps alot.

Before dropping in a tang, print out pictures from the internet of other tangs. When i say print out 100 do it. The more the better. Stick them to the tang facing in over. Then drop the new tangs in. Leave the printouts stuck to the tank for a few days, reducing them slowly until you have nothing. This usually does the trick.

I hope it helps.
I can agree with the list above, but some tangs are just mean as hell in some environments. My purple was king of the castle in my tank and couldn't even tolerate my hand going into the tank. It beat the crap out of a yellow tang in my tank in a matter of minutes. I sent it to Sals tang heavy tank and he fell right into line. I think when a tang (or angel) is in the tank alone for some time, they tend to become aggressive and teritorial. Put several in and I don't think any ever claims the space. Course my wrasses still go at it from time to time.