Tank Cleaning Company


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Does anyone here use a tank cleaning company and if so who do they use? I am considering a monthly company to come in and help offset some of the work as my company is keeping me very busy for the next few months. Just wondering what people were doing if anything and what kind of deal they are getting.
there is a company called Go Fish.....but I have never used them.....did talk to the guy once about a tank i wanted and he was real nice....but i ended up finding the tank somewhere else......I tried calling back but i lost the number....

doesn't Stevhan at Fishy Business do it as well?
I am going to try out a variety of vendors over the next couple months to find the one I like the best. Fishy is first on my list as I trust him, but he is a bit pricey compared to the other companies and people I have gotten quotes from. Just hoping to find that good deal out there that won't run me an arm and a leg to have someone come out and do a water change/quick cleaning with some quality.
cool....keep us posted on what you find...I may be interested too.....
Mike(Mistrgrn)sp? does tank cleaning on the side.He works at
Aquarium Showcase on the weekends.If you want his number LMK.
I have used Tim W. for the last 3 years on my tank. Very reliable and great job with my tank. Have never lost anything except for other fish being hungry. Tim runs his own company now All About Fish (he used to work at FS&M until about a year ago). He is well priced as well.

Let me know if you want his number....

Also ,Stevhan (its a fishy business) does MTC as well. U can get his contact info from the sponsers section.

my mom has a person who works with her and her husband does saltwater fish tanks for a living if u want i can give u his number. he is knoldgeable he helped alot on my tank and he gets me things very cheap at whole sale.