Tank decor and hermit crab wardrobe


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Hello all! Some of my random questions for the day: Can you use fake decor in a tank? Like the fake plants, or resin coral decorations. I have some, and thought I might use them until I get to the point where I can add real coral, then take them out.
Also, is there a specific type or brand of shells I have to use for hermit crabs? Can I use decor shells from, say, Dollar Tree? They're real shells, but I don't know if there's any certain requirements for the replacement hermit crab shells. Thanks!
My hermit crabs have been perfectly happy moving into an assortment of dollar tree shells 😃

I see no problem with artificial decorations as long as they are made for aquariums other than it may not be the preferred aesthetic around here lol. Just know they won't really contribute to biological filtration the way real porous rock does
Thank you for the information 😊. I have plenty of rock and sand. Just thought I'd put the fake coral in there for a while, until I get the real thing, then take it out. It's made for aquarium decoration, might as well get some use out of it. After looking through my studio supplies, it seems I've used all of the suitable shells for other pieces of work. So I'll be heading to the Dollar Tree or hobby lobby to get some 😆.