Tank Does not fit Custom Stand


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I'm not sure if I gave a bad measurement, or if the new 90 gallon tank I bought today to replace the one I broke last light is slightly larger.

I started sanding to see if I could make it work and quickly realized that It was going to be tough because of the corners where the side trim pieces meet the front. I finally popped the side trim off and placed the stand.

Now that the pieces are off is there any chance that I will be able to sand them enough to work? It looks as if I need to take both pieces down about 2 or 3 /16 of an inch, just on the higher portion of the trim pieces above the bottom of the tank itself. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not. Basically, the small black trim at the bottom of the tank is the problem.

I have the same problem with the canopy but it looks like I can simply chisel away a layer of the plywood or maybe two if necessary to get it to seat properly. Since the demo will be inside the canopy and out of sight I'm not to worried about that fix.

For what it's worth, the stand builder offered to fix it cheaply if I return the stand to him at the end of the week, but my summer break (teacher) is over Thursday and I desperately want to fill the tank and be at home for a couple of days while it operates to avoid anymore crisis.

In summary, As a public educator and veteran I cannot figure out how I obtained so much bad karma so quickly. Before I ventured to sw I had happy Cichlids and a lot more money.

I am attempting to include a photo. You will see where I took off the side trim, it is the unstained area. The black area at the bottom of the tank is the portion of the trim I need to reduce is size.
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I am wondering if you can't just take the piece of trim to your stand builder and have him take a blade off the inside. That would save you from having to take the entire stand and you could go ahead and fill it. Just a thought?
I'm wondering if a blade can come off easily since it is only half of the piece that needs to be "skinnier." I am going to visit my reserve unit this morning. That will ensure broken or fixed trim. There is no way I can take the stand back. My wife is pregnan and I had to jump big hoops to get help moving the tank and putting it on the stand.
Bycjoe;885576 wrote: I am wondering if you can't just take the piece of trim to your stand builder and have him take a blade off the inside. That would save you from having to take the entire stand and you could go ahead and fill it. Just a thought?

+1, this is the route to go.
Bycjoe;885576 wrote: I am wondering if you can't just take the piece of trim to your stand builder and have him take a blade off the inside. That would save you from having to take the entire stand and you could go ahead and fill it. Just a thought?

This is what I would do if it were me and having built my own stands for years, this is the easiest solution.
I couldn't get back to the stand builder, he is out of town. We were able to basically take a blade off at my reserve unit this morning and they will fit fine. Now for the canopy.