Tank fully setup? (I think?? Lol)


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Anyone have an constructive criticism or pointers to hand out? Everything’s thriving just always looking to learn more and make things better, (don’t mind the mushrooms in the sand I have a rock being made for them will pickup soon)


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Looks good to me, is there any specific concerns that you have about the setup? How old is the setup? Size?

No concerns really, tank is about 6 months old now but was cycled from media that was in previous setup that was 5+years old. Everything’s thriving. It’s a waterbox Mini 25 have the 65.4 on order but keeps getting pushed back. Running x2 Kessil 360we’s (45% intensity) I know it’s overkill but think it’ll be good on the new tank.

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Looks great buddy! The open area on the sand will look great once all the mushrooms have their places. Negative space really makes a tank seem bigger than it is.
Looks nice. The only thing I would ask is on left side how much space between rock and glass. Are you worried about cleaning it or something getting trapped? If not, non- issue.

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Looks nice. The only thing I would ask is on left side how much space between rock and glass. Are you worried about cleaning it or something getting trapped? If not, non- issue.

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Very true did not realize that until you pointed it out thank you! Will open it up some later today!

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Awesome set up!! I didn’t think of putting a pier head at the bottom. I might implement this idea. thanks!!!!

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