Tank Mat?


Well-Known Member
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Tucker, GA
So I've seen people put like a yoga mat material underneath their tank. Do you have one under your tank? What are the reasons to do so?
They sell that yoga type material at Lowe’s and homedepot - think you can find it in the shelf liner area- it is black rubber waterproof stuff. Tank manufacturers usually require you to put some sort of cushion type stuff between the wood and the tank for warranty.
I have heard a great way to check and see if you need to use the foam board is to use a business card. Try to run it inbetween the tank and stand. If there are any areas where you can easily slide the business card in and out or side by side and then you need to use a buffer of some sort.
I used to use the foam insulation on the larger tanks. I'm not using anything on my current 90, but I milled the 2x4s for the top frame perfectly flat (they're at 3 inches). You can't get a sheet of paper between the plastic frame and the lumber.
The placement of compliant material between tank & stand will allow for some equalization of uneven contact & any uneven forces that result from that.
The problem is that glass is known as a high modulus material (modulus = stress/strain, in physics).
That means it does not respond well (think 'deflect') to uneven forces or sudden changes in applied force.
A rubber ball or spring, for example, typically have a low modulus.
I purchased a large sheet of the rubber that is used under Innovative Marine tanks, for my build.
I have very small tanks.....but always put silicone mats down with a drymate gun cleaning mat over it, then place my tank on it. It help with any small variations under the tank.