Tank mates suggestions


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Wanting to get a few more fish for my 50 cube. Usually I have pretty peaceful fish but my Mocha Davinci’s were the first two in there and are quite aggressive. They picked on my Anthias trio and a Tomini tang. Instead of sending more fish to the same fate, I thought I’d get some suggestions.

I have sps, micromussa lords, zoas and some other fleshy LPS so dwarf angles are out of the question

Current tank:
Pair of Mocha Davinci clowns (a-holes)
Neon Dottyback (got him because they are known to be aggressive but this one hasn’t shown any interest in other fish... yet)
Yellow Watchman Goby (he just does his thing in his little cave)
Skunk cleaner shrimp

Thinking about:
Bangaii Cardinalfish trio
Bassett (Candy, Asscessor, Swissguard or Chalk)

Any other suggestions? Also please share your opinion on compatibility with the above
If you have a lid some wrasses or firefish are very beautiful fish. Normally the clowns don't bother them much but with a 50 cube it is a little hard to find enough space so they all avoid each other. Once certain fish get established it is very hard to introduce others. Try the mirror method. Tape a mirror to your tank and let the fish fight their own reflection for a couple days before introducing new fish.
Did the clowns kill the other 4 fish or did you remove them?

I'd be more inclined to remove the clowns to a temp holding tank, rearrange the rock work and add the new fish you want. After a few days try adding the clowns back.
Another trick I use when adding a new fish or need some of them distracted is put a mirror up to the tank near where you want them. They'll take their aggression out on their reflection.
Did the clowns kill the other 4 fish or did you remove them?

I'd be more inclined to remove the clowns to a temp holding tank, rearrange the rock work and add the new fish you want. After a few days try adding the clowns back.
Another trick I use when adding a new fish or need some of them distracted is put a mirror up to the tank near where you want them. They'll take their aggression out on their reflection.

Yes they all died, this was months ago, The tank is right on the brink of finding its equilibrium with stable parameters. I’m not putting my hands in the tank or making any new additions for the next 30 days so I’m just trying to plan. Might setup a QT in the meantime and add the mirror. Let’s get back to other tank mate options!

Thank you guys for the feedback. Rearranging the rockwork is not in the game plans, so I’ll try a mirror. Haven’t done that since the Malawi tank in the mid 2000s
I think the suggestion to remove them was more towards letting some other fish get adjusted before adding the clowns. As it stand now, the clown have their run of the whole tank and the dottyback has made it home too. A lot of times you want to add the aggressive fish after the rest of the inhabitants are in place. The cardinals would be a good option but you'd need them to be settled in before you introduce a clown or dottyback. Unfortunately, if you kept those 3 fish in there, they'll attack and kill most things you put in the tank unless the additions are pretty aggressive in their own right.
As far as tangs go, I think you were on the right track with a Tomini, maybe try and find a larger one. Fattening it up in a qt might help as well.
But right now you've got bullies in a cube. Any new "Peaceful" fish aren't going to stand much of a chance unless you upset the clown's "norm" to knock them down a notch.

Don't use the mirror until right before you add a new fish. Also put the new fish in shortly after lights out.
Thanks, I am setting up a smaller tank, might wait a couple months with the tomini in there then move him to the 50 gallon when he is getting settled, fat and happy