Tank Move from Atlanta to Mt Dora Fl


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A little over two years ago my wife and I decided to sell the house in Lawrenceville and move to Florida. Our realtor wanted me to get the fish tank out of the family room so I sold my beautiful 120G Oceanic Tech tank and most of the inhabitants. I consolidated what I was keeping into two 40G that I kept in the basement. When we finally sold the house earlier this year Bobz came over and took the 40G display and 40G sump all to his house and set it up there. He did an excellant job of maintaining everything for me while we moved to Florida into a rental while our new house was being built. We've been in the new house for two months and since I was in Atlanta for a couple of days I decided it was time to take it all home.

This morning Bobz started breaking it all down and by the time I said my goodbyes to the family in Auburn and got to his place in Marietta all we needed to do was finish emptying the display and load it all into my car. It was an eight hour drive to Mt Dora and with my wife's help we got the display set up with a heater and flow. I'll need to start working on lights and sump tomoprrow and I need to find a fish store somewhere near me.

Unfortunately we had one casualty, one of my yellow clown gobies looked like it got squished by the rock. Hopefully everything else will be OK.

Thanks to Bobz for all his help over the last few years. He is truly a great friend and a great guy. Also thanks to his wife Deb who took care of the tanks when Bob was out of town.
Good luck with your new adventure and the corals I got from you a few months back are doing great(you should see the bubble coral frag now)thanks again
If you are ever close to Jacksonville, FL; Bioreef is a very nice place for reef life. It's hard to find, but if you have a GPS; it should get you there. They are located away from general businesses, but your visit wouldn't be disappointing.

Mention you are an ARC member and you found out through the ARC website and they may give you a 10% discount. They gave me 10% off for being an ARC member.

w_hartyjr;823809 wrote: Good luck with your new adventure and the corals I got from you a few months back are doing great(you should see the bubble coral frag now)thanks again

Thanks! Glad to hear all is doing well!

WannabeeaReefKeeper;823818 wrote: If you are ever close to Jacksonville, FL; Bioreef is a very nice place for reef life. It's hard to find, but if you have a GPS; it should get you there. They are located away from general businesses, but your visit wouldn't be disappointing.

Mention you are an ARC member and you found out through the ARC website and they may give you a 10% discount. They gave me 10% off for being an ARC member.


Thanks! At some point I'll get up there but right now I have some immediate needs. I need to buy some RO/DI and salt water so I can do a water change real soon. I need to order an RO/DI unit. I need to get some plumbing done so I can hook up a sump and I need to build a canopy to hold the AI Systems LEDs. I put the legs on the LEDs and turned the intensity way down since they are so close to the water.

So far other than the one clown goby the rest of the fish, two bubble-tip anemones, and two tube anemones seem to be ok. I haven't seen or heard my pistol shrimp yet and the corals are mostly closed up.
Congrats on the successful move! And cudos to Bobz for being a great friend!
Glad you got it all there in one piece! And u r welcome!