Tank move suggestions


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In order to get my 210 setup I have to breakdown and move my other tanks. I have been trying to figure out how to do it without killing anything. Last weekend I brooke down my 55G and successfully moved all the livestock to my 30G (just my pair of Bangaii and some mushrooms). All looks well. This weekend I want to breakdown my 65G. This is my fully loaded show tank. I am thinking of the following plan. My biggest concern was moving the tank/sand and not causing a cycle of any kind. But now that I have the 55G available to me, I am thinking about setting that back up in my fishroom and just moving the water, liverock and livestock from the 65G to the 55G temporarily (maybe 2-3 months while the 210 preps and cycles). I will run the new 55G bare bottom without sand for that period so I do not have to worry about the move stirring up all those nasty particles and detritus.
So, what am I forgetting? will this work? I'll use the same water, rock, sump, skimmer, lighting, etc... all I have in the 65G besides my fish are softies and a large GBTA. This tank has been up and runnning for almost 2 years and has been very stable. I hate messing it with it before the 210 is ready but I would like to get it moved. The only downside is that it will mean two moves for the fishes and corals currently in the 65, once to the 55 and then to their dream home in the 210. More moves = more stress. BTW, these are fairly hardy species, nothing too sensitive... Pair of Flame Angels, couple of Blue-green Chromis, my Maroon Clown, Royal gramma. Should I do it? Low risk? High risk?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions/comments.
yep, that's what I am hoping. Just really nervous to actually move it!
Bob, I'm afraid you're going to have to give up that pair of flame angels to have a successful move.

Let me know when would be a good time for me to pick them up.

There's really no avoiding at least somewhat of a cycle. Have as much water change mixed up as you have capacity for (say up to 100g or so) so that you can readily do emergency water changes if the cycle gets bad.

When I moved my tanks, I always incorporated a 30% or so water change just to start things off.
bobz;203487 wrote: LOL!! Thanks!

Seriously, though -- if you need an extra pair of hands, let me know.

I'm a hop, skip and a jump down Barrett Parkway.
Thanks George... I'll make sure I have atleast 100G ready
Not sure yet! Thanks for the offers. It looks like it will probably be next weekend now (almost forgot about the SWC auction!)