Tank move w/ refugium crash


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I finally managed to get my tank moved upstairs in my townhouse so I can redo the floors in my den. Thus far, after 4 days, I have zero losses of corals and livestock with everyone eating normally in the new tank (pics to come). Most importantly, I didn't lose my mated gold banded coral shrimp or my mandarin.

However, for whatever reason, my refugium crashed most of its inhabitants to the tune of around 90%+ of the mysid shrimp and visible pods. I had to drain it to move it, but when I put everything back in, it was pretty much dead even though it was only drained for maybe 45 minutes. The bottom is now a graveyard of shrimp and pod corpses.

So, the poll is for suggested options on restarting my refugium.
With the size of your main tank, George, I would not risk fouling the whole system if there is a lot of die-off to deal with from your fuge. I wold just leave it offline with the the skimmer running for a few weeks till things level out, then plumb it back in if possible...
It your tank ans sump. Do what you feel best your it.

If it were me? I would just clearn out the fug/sump and start it running again.
You could wait it out, but I think this is a good excuse to clean out the tank and any equipment that is attached. I would save whatever algae I could to repopulate, but it will start back fast with the leftovers from the original.