Tank on second floor


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I have decided to delay setting up my new 225g tank because I will be moving in the next year or so. I don't want to set up such a large tank just to have to take it down once it begins to mature. I am considering getting a smaller tank to play with until I move. At first I was considering a nano reef (somthing like a nano cube or bio cube) but then i started looking at the new cadlights systems. I like the idea of an all inclusive system that I can upgrade as needed.


The only place I would be able to put the tank is in my office which is on the second floor of my condo. Would a tank this size cause any problems (to the tank or the floor) by putting it upstairs?

I am also open to other tank suggestions if anyone has any ideas. I dont mind going a little smaller, would something like the 29 biocube be a better option? ( I would mod the system ofcourse)
A 39 Gallon tank should be no problem - that amount of water would only weigh a few hundred pounds.

Generally you only have to worry about 2nd-floor installations when you get in the 3-digit gallon range - 100, 120, etc.
I asked around and did some research, which included a discussion with our contractor, about putting a 50 gal on the 2nd floor of our house. Conclusion was that as long as its against an outside wall, and/or across at least 2 floor joists, its just fine.
Yeah, there is that - best if up against an outside wall, and / or perpendicular to the joists under the floor.

I had a 65 Gal tank upstairs with no issues, and its footprint was 30" wide x 18" deep.
Taking in consideration your keeping in against a perimeter wall, I would shoot for nothing over 100-120max #/SF
I wish i had that kind of faith in my flooring. When I lived at my parents house I had a 75 gallon tank and a king size waterbed in my second floor room. The condo we live in doesnt seem to be constructed of the best materials so I was just trying to get a feeler for what people feel is a safe size for any house. I think I am leaning towards something around 30 gallons with an oversized stand to spread out the weight. I am undecided between getting a biocube 29 or going with something custom around the same size. Ideally I would like something that is like around 20x20x18 with a false wall in the back (similar to the biocube or cadlights tanks). The biggest problem i have with the off the shelf AIO systems is I will end up throwing all the stock equipment away buying better.

Does anyone know of anyone that would be interested in building an all-in-one type tank for me (preferably acrylic) for a reasonable price. Diy is pretty much out of the question since i dont have anywhere to work in my condo and I recently had some problems with my family.