Tank Parameters Off


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Tank Parameters:
pH 7.8
Nitrates 0
Nitirites 0
Ammonia 0
salinity 1.026
Kh 120mg/ml
Calcium 600
Mg 1470

I only have added coral vit once a week. I have fish, anenomies, 1 big clam, shrooms, sps,green star polyp and zoas. I also have two acans and a favite.
In the refugium there are some coral skeletons, cheato, live rock. I don't understand why the calcium is still high and the Mg high as well. I slowly brought the pH to where is needed to be. Can you suggest and ideas for the rise in calcium and mag?
your testing or the test kit might not be accurate. However, if it is, your calcium will or has precipitated causing your ALK to go down. Everything will stabilize, but make sure your ALK & Ph doesn't crash. With your mag that high, you should be OK. just let come down on it's own.
Mine was off.. I got a new test kit today. My old one was showing 1ppm ammonia and nitrates of the chart. New one shows no ammonia of 40 nitrate
I wouldn't worry about the Mg, mine stays around 1500 or so and that is with no dosing of any kind.
I checked the calcium with a salifert kit and an API kit. I used a buffer to raise the pH slowly. Everything appears fine in the tank. My other test kits should arrive in the mail tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.
Yeah Mg that high is fine...I keep mine at 1500. I wouldn't add anything else. Just wait for the new test kits to come in and see what they say.