Tank parameters


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How do these tank parameters look

PH 8.6
Alk 9.0
Mag 1410
Calcium 460
Nitrate 38
Ammonia 0
Phosphate .03 with sailfert
Phosphate .21 Hanna

I believe my Hanna checker is off on the phosphate
API and sailfert have p04 at .03

I’ve currently got chemipure blue in the tank and phosphate is unchanged after a week

I also can’t seem to keep my ph down. I’m dosing all for reef and magnesium and have Kalk washer in my ato at half strength

Tank seems happy I did loose two wrasses last week all other fish seem fine
The kalkwasser is the cause of the pH of 8.6. Not sure what others in here think of that high but I wouldn’t worry about it if there’s no coral issues. Higher pHs usually result in nice happy corals if everything else is good.
I wasn’t too worried about it being that high I did cut way back on my Kalk this week to hopefully get it lower slowly. Everything seems fine otherwise
I have mixed reef 7or so sps, 1 torch,1 hammer, some acans, gsp, Kenya tree, mushrooms, a bunch of Zoas, 8 hermits, 1 emerald crab, skunk cleaner shrimp, 3 chromis, sailing tang, 2 clowns. And a lawnmower blenny, tank is 40g breeder and pretty much maxed out on fish,

Currently running skimmer 24/7