Tank question....Square vs traditional rectangle...


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So I've been hunting for my next tank, want to get something I LIKE and something that had good viewability. :) I've been drooling over the square tanks just because it SEEMS like you'd have great viewabilitry, but then I was researching last night, and it seems like many are saying they are prone to problems. Aquascaping and flow were the two issues many said can popup. I'd like to get some feedback from someone who's used one and see what they thought of the tank??
I have a 90 cube and I haven't had any real issues so far. I've also got a 40 cube and not really any issues on that one either. I will say flow is a bit harder to dial in than a normal tank but I wouldn't really say it's an issue. If you go over to the member tanks section on the forums and look for my build you can see my process I went through. The title of it is "My 90 g cube build" (it should be on the first page). I recently updated some of the pics on the tank. I over came the flow issues in my tank with a stronger return pump. I used a split at the top to have one of the return hit more of the surface of the tank and one more direct going down into the tank with lower flow. I am running a single MP40 and I might add one in the future but it is currently doing good without a second one. the only other issues I have with it is space for things under the stand and a sump. I ended up ordering a custom sump because I wanted to maximize the amount of space I would have for the sump. It really wasn't that expensive for something custom.