tank question


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so im a high school student about to go to college. now i was wondering how many parents here wanted your kid to take the tank down when he or she left?

now if you said you would maintain it for awhile and you did.... how many of you ended up keeping it and getting into the hobby and claiming it as your tank.

c i ask this because my parents say they will maintain it for alil while but im hopeing they get into it.

plz let me no if this has occured before
I had a 30 gallon FO during most of my time at college. I left the tank w/ my parents for about a year and a half when I was moving a bunch. It's a miracle nothing died.
how big is the tank i guess is my first question... I know my mom would feed my fish when i had a tank at home but that was all she really knew how to do... so i guess it depends, also check with the college but if your tank is smaller you could take it with you
its a 65... my moms told me she would fill it up with water and feed. so hopefully that will do.. when i vist home ill fix it up.
Im a junior in highschool and just about to set up a new 75.... Im threatening to leave mine in a year too!!!
nope.... and I think there are a few younger than highschool even!
wow your way 2 serious. my tank does perfectly fine, outstanding water according the the fish store. i never water change, minimal maintance. and they say its one of the best tanks they have ever seen. health wise
my fish are great. fat and happy. corals are growing. coraline growing well. and i do take life of animals serious. my friend owns the LFS so he dont bull**** me.. hes helped me out b4 at my house. i trust his word, that my tank is in great shape.
he is well aware i dont do water changes. .. i just dont have the ability to take water out and replace it right there. id have to go back and forth for water. cuz im not putting tap water in there. without water changes ive done fine. no nitrates or anything like that. its all very low or none at all. i dose it with calcium. sometimes.
i add 5 gallons at a time.. i dont have rodi or anything.. im in high school. i dont have alota money. i cant afford to empty 20 gallons and then refil it right there. as water evaps i add. thats the best i can do for now. once i can afford it i am going to buy a rodi with auto top off. and have a 50 gal drum full of water to do proper water changes. but as of now i cant afford to. im not out making 100 grand a yr. i make like 2-5 grand a yr based on if i have a job or not.. i recently got let go because we closed down were i was working. it put a damper on many things.
It's perfectly possible to have a healthy tank with no water changing, depending on the livestock. I'm betting this isn't a coraline coated SPS wonderland, but it's quite possible.

However as pointed out, they are your pets and you shouldn't rely on your parents to take care of the tank when you're gone. If you can't take the tank to college, ask your friend at the LFS if he'll take the contents in trade for store credit until you have the time and money to start it up again.