Tank set-up, Phyto first?


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I'm just getting started on my first saltwater aquarium, and I'm toying with an idea. Want to run it by you more experienced reefers and get your take on it. 45 gallon Marineland undrilled tank, no sump. I have a HOB filter & one of those hang on acrylic filter boxes with small separated compartments for different media.
So after my cycle (doing fishless, Dr. Tim's ammonia and bottle bac), would it be a good idea to try to establish a phyto and pod population before adding fish? And how would I go about it? I'd love to eventually get a captive bred mandarin (WAY down the line, when I *almost* have a clue 😂). Please advise. Thanks!
Personally, I would add fish first. Think about what fish you want in total if you haven't already because they may require adding in a specific order to avoid aggression.You can add phyto and pod's a bit later once the tank has stabilized.
Personally I would add pods as soon as diatoms start growing, but that won't happen until you turn the lights on. I wouldn't bother with phyto until later.