Tank Stinks

rhonda duffy

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I set up my 24 gal tank about 7 weeks ago and have 4 fish and some coral and clams. In the last few days, my tank has started to stink really bad. There is nothing dead in there and the numbers look good when I check the water. Any ideas on what to do to get rid of the smell?
what are you using for WC? Tape water will couse your tank to smell like fish
Can you share a little more about the set up? Was it transferred from an established tank, what kind of fish, etc. It may just be some die off if the tank is only 7 weeks old. I do not want to sound critical but that is a lot of fish for a 24G especially a new set up. Also most folks would recommend an established tank of about 1 year for a clam. Let us know more.
Run Black Diamond carbon in a filter sock and place it in a high flow area in your sump. Water changes also will help.
When was your last water change? I know you said nothing looks dead, but have you seen all the snails out and active (assuming you have some in the tank)?
Thanks for all the replies.

Someone wrote that my tank had been set up at Aquarium Showcase. That is where I bought the tank and I am proud to sponsor them on my radio show. The tank was not set up there though, but they set it up for me at my office- just to be clear. Aquairum Showcase does a great job of both servicing my tank and setting it up throughout the process of adding things. I am a little embarrased to call them and say "Hey, can you come down here, something has gone rancid in my office." They already think that I am crazy - I visit there all the time and stay for hours.

Anyway, I sniffed all around the tank and had other people sniff all around the tank. Some people said that it smells fishy while others now agree that it may be a dead animal in our crawl space or attic of the office.

All my snails are doing great, everyone in the tank is doing great, so I am going to chalk it up to a dead animal. I put some charcoal deodorizer that you would put in your closet in my office and the smell is definitely less.

I think the problem here is that this tank is on my desk and I have become obsesed with the tank. Most of the visitors to my office wonder if I am working or just in a daze staring at the tank. Anyway, I guess that the obsession will wear off soon enough.

If you are in the area of downtown Alpharetta, stop by and see me and sniff around for me. Duffy Realty, 10 Cumming Street (on the corner of Main and Cumming) Alpharetta

Again, thanks for all the replies - you guys are great!
the obsession of a smaller tank soon be gone and the new obsession with a BIGGER tank will begain
Now that is service! LOL :) Small office tanks are fun and challenging. I am sure that you will enjoy this for a very long time. Do you have any places picked out in your house yet for a bigger tank? :)
I have definitely thought about one in my house. But, I travel alot in our RV and have a second home so I don't know that I would get the same enjoyment out of it as I do with the one on my desk. In other words, I don't want it to become a burden.
Are you sure a fish didn't jump out of the tank to do a little carpet surfing? This would lead to a stinky, fishy smell but still have a healthy tank...