Tank temp too high


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I am running dual 175 W MH on a 75 Gallon tank with 1 seio 620 and 1 MJ 900 powerheads for circulation and a mag 7 for return, and an ASM G1 skimmer in the sump with the standard pump. Yesterday my tank temp approached 90 with the lights on. Today my tank temp is around 86 with the lights off. The room temperature in the room with the tank is 76. Could one of my pumps or powerheads be causing the high tank temp?

I am currently blowing a desk fan onto the sump and I have the canopy propped open. I am purchasing another fan this afternoon to blow into the canopy. I would like to know if there are any reports on any of the equipement, other than the lights generating excess heat. I

have used most of this equpment for years, with the exception of the Seio Powerhead, with no problems but I had the tank in a basement that was always cooler than the rest of the house. I don't currently have a basement. Any suggestions for cooling other than a chiller?

Thanks in advance.

That is very strange that it would run that hot even with the canopy opened and both fans running. Esp. w/ an ambient room temp. of 76F.

How close to the water's surface are the bulbs?
I would check your pumps..one could be seizing and causing the excess heat. A good cleaning of all the pumps periodically will help keep the temps down also. Good luck!
Bulbs are very close to the water since I am using a standard canopy with the lighting kit mounted inside. A 1/4" spacer is used to separate the reflector from the canopy. The pumps all seem to be working fine with no problems.

I would have to assume that this is the problem.

Typically, the average for MH spacing is somewhere around 8" from the bulb to the water's surface.

Any closer than this and the result is higher water temps.

IMO, having the canopy propped open isn't doing much of anything. You really need to have a fan blowing over the water's surface to induce more evaporation, which will cool the water down more. I know you have one over the sump and that you said you were getting one for the canopy, so let us know how it works out.

Your best bet, IMO, is to move the lights to about 8" or so from the water's surface and put a fan blowing over the top of the water, along with the one you have over the sump.

This should bring down your temp alot and keep you out of the higher ranges.

Also, be prepared for more topping off daily, due to the increased evaporation.

Good Luck.
Just your typical floor fan blowing across the tank's surface will do wonders. I had a nano that hit 90 once and just the fan kept it so cool that the heater would run! Don't underestimate the cooling power of moving air...

I like keeping tanks in the basement for the very reason than the temps are typically lower...
The lights were off this morning when the tank temp hit 86. I have no idea what's going on. This evening with the lid propped open and the fan on the sump the temp is at 82.3. Unfortunately I can't float gallon jugs in the sump because it's too small. I've been using 16 oz bottles of ice but these melt too quickly.

Wow michael it seems like there's definately something funny going on with one of your pumps.

Turn of all the pumps except for the return pump and monitor temperature. If temperature is acceptable then add another pump and monitor temp again... repeat process till you find out which pump is the culprit.
FutureInterest;31092 wrote: Wow michael it seems like there's definately something funny going on with one of your pumps.

Turn of all the pumps except for the return pump and monitor temperature. If temperature is acceptable then add another pump and monitor temp again... repeat process till you find out which pump is the culprit.


That should do it. The only other thing I can think to look for is a defective heater.
miktrav;30939 wrote: I am running dual 175 W MH on a 75 Gallon tank with 1 seio 620 and 1 MJ 900 powerheads for circulation and a mag 7 for return, and an ASM G1 skimmer in the sump with the standard pump... Could one of my pumps or powerheads be causing the high tank temp?

Lets see:

Mag 7 70W
seio 620 8W
MJ 900 5W
ASM Skimmer 38W
Total 121 Watts

Running all these submersable pumps is like running a sizable heater all the time. Combine that with the 80 degree weather we have been having (I assume you don't have the AC on yet) which reduces the overall cooling effect and you can see pretty high temps even without the lights on. This time of year, before we turn the AC on, is the most dangerous time of the year for tank temps IMO. Try the large floor fan blowing over the entire tank, it really will do wonders.
Is this the first summer you are running the tank in this location
you said the tank was in the basement before

it sound like you will be needing a chiller soon
the fans bowing over the canopy is ok, it does help
but you are running MH not PC lighting big different

good luck
You can also freeze two liter bottles and float them if the gallon jug is too big. Same with small tupperware containers too... or even just some ice cubes in a ziplock bag.