Tank Temp?


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I think the temp. in my tank might be to high. How do i lower it and what is the best way to do that? It is a 90gal and the temp is right around 85 degrees. I have 2 MH 175 watt 10,000k lights along with actinics. Somebody help.
Adding a fan across the top of the water will drop the temp by several degrees.My 92 has a chiller but I also have a 24 nano that was getting up to 83-84 so added a small computer fan blowing directly across the water and it actually dropped the temp by 6-7 degrees.I did have to put it on a timer along with my halide because it was dropping it too far after the lights were out,oh and added a heater to be on the safe side in case something happened and the halide went out for some reason so the water temp didnt get too low.evaporation will go WAY up though.I add almost a gallon or so a day to it.
my tank is not drilled so how would i add a chiller and what would that cost me? If it is going to be to difficult i might just go the fan route. Thanks for your help.
Try the fan route first...couldnt hurt and may save You lots of $$$ in the long run.You`ll be surprised at how much it will drop the temp.Just watch Your evaporation rate as it will skyrocket.I went from adding maybe 1/2 gallon every 4-5 days to nearly a gallon or so a day hence the name evaporative cooling.Just go to walmart and buy and small table top fan or clip on fan.Do You use the glass top?If so ditch it...it`ll keep the heat trapped.
I dont use a glass top my hood is completly open on the back. I think i will try the fan first. Thanks for all your help.
you could just put 1 to 2 fans on your sump. You can get PC fans pretty cheap or fans for Aquarium lighting. Just make sure it has an AC plug, and never mount it above your water in case it falls.
I use fans on my 125, i run 3- 250w mh and 2- 39w t5, two clip on wally world fans keep temp perfect.