Tank Temperature


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<span style="color: black;">Sorry if this has recently been asked but I couldn’t find anything.</span>
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<span style="color: black;">What temperature do you keep your tank at?</span>
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<span style="color: black;">I’ve always kept mine on the high side at 83-84 and had great success. Now that I have the means to keep it cool I’ve been running it around 77-78. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">I think I like the results of the warm tank better...</span>

Also, is there a way to make a poll on here?
Good question about the poll! I keep mine at 77-78 and I havent had any problems. When you say you think the results of are warm tank are better what are the results? What is better?
80... No varience yet until I upgrade lighting... I do not think I would go much above 82.

300W Heater?!? What heater, I have halides!!! </em>;)
My range is between 78 - 80. I am also interested to see what the better results were of keeping a warmer tank in the 80's.
The hazard with running the temps higher as routine is that when we get that high heat spike in august, the tank temp with surely jump to the mid to high 80s, which will effectivelyu damage the corals significantly. That is unless, you have a fool proof temp control setup-ie- oversized chiller, etc. I run my tank between 77-80, and even in the hottest part of summer, it doesnt go above 81.
Big D wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">I'll look it up tonight, I think it's on page 15 or so in Shimeks book Marine Invertebrates that he talks about temp... If I remember right, he said the natural reef varies from 78-84. He also goes on to say that most aquariasts keep their home tanks on the lower side around 78-79, but you will actually get better growth at higher temps... This is off the top of my head, I'll look it up tonight and post what I find, but this could be why izib is seeing better results at higher temps... I was tempted to bump mine up, but I was worried about an algae bloom or something worse... I'm just scared :roll: ...</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>

Yeah, you'll most likely get better grwoth at that temp, but the ocean is infinitely more temperature stable than an aquarium. So that 84 could easily bump to 86 or 87 in an aquarium, whereas it is almost impossible for the ocean to shift that much (in the same locale). So, warmer temops will cause a higher growth rate to a certain point, then they will cause a higher death rate.
80-81 Winter
?-? Summer

I haven't had my halides during the summer but I should be able to manage the same temperatures.
Big D here is a reputation point for that post. I like how you went out of your way to find that article in the book. Thanks!
Big D wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Hope this helps... Hope I didn't start something, now I'll never get any rep points :sad: </span>

Haha. Welcome to the group.
Maroons15 wrote: Big D here is a reputation point for that post. I like how you went out of your way to find that article in the book. Thanks!

Same here.
Winter: 75
Summer: 78-79

Water can hold a higher content of dissolved oxygen at lower temperatures, so I keep mine slightly lower than most. The fish and corals seem to enjoy it. It also slows the rate of surface evaporation, so it's less work refilling my ATO.
CGill311 wrote: Winter: 75
Summer: 78-79

Water can hold a higher content of dissolved oxygen at lower temperatures, so I keep mine slightly lower than most. The fish and corals seem to enjoy it. It also slows the rate of surface evaporation, so it's less work refilling my ATO.

I agree here. I try to keep mine cooler and with my new solaris fixture its a lot easier to keep it cool and my evaporation has slowed tremendously. I tend to run about 77 during the winter and I will try to run 77 this summer since I dont have halides pumping out 150 degrees on top of my tank.
FishyBusiness wrote: I agree here. I try to keep mine cooler and with my new solaris fixture its a lot easier to keep it cool and my evaporation has slowed tremendously. I tend to run about 77 during the winter and I will try to run 77 this summer since I dont have halides pumping out 150 degrees on top of my tank.

Ya Ya, rub in the Solaris light why don't ya!!! ;)
By better results Im talking about coral growth. Of course there are a lot of other factors involved so its really hard to tell. Good point on the fudge factor though! I think I'll bump the tank up to 80.