It isn't the expense of RO/DI, its the space and time, mainly space for water storage.
I do use a stand-beside-the-faucet type purifier, but oddly, the tap water runs a consistant 50-something ppm TBS, while the water from the purifier runs 80-something ppm TDS. The purifier is a floss/carbon dual tower purifier, and I bought the one that advertised the best at removing metals. I have 3 green patches of algae growing on my overflow (which I intentionally leave as a visual indicator of the ongoing health of my tank), but none (sparing the sporatic Macros that pops up here and there) in my main tank. I'm happy with the results I get. Because I've been doing this for years, I have a feel for it. No, no amount of husbandry I do is going to take my water down to 0 ppm TDS, but staying on top of maintanance and acting quickly if a problem arrises keeps my tank the cleanest "Dirty Tank" you've ever seen.