I had lengthy conversations with Wordpress and Tapatalk yesterday. I also did a lot of reasearch this past week. The take away is that Tapatalk has had some very serious sercurity issues. Nearly every year their software has left some serious vulnarabilities open to its users and hosting databases. Last year script injectors were used to compromise its users and the databases it hosts. TapaTalk didnt bother to inform anyone of this and never made an announcement and only quietly completed the fix more than a week later. Also, any information that is accessed becomes public property and can be visible to all users. Tapatalk also tracks the users locations, history and mobile device information. Its mainly used to spam the database of its users and those databases it hosts. The link to the TOS agreemnt is below.
With all that being said. Because so many users utilize TapaTalk (Im incuded) we are introducing an option that will give our members the abilty to respond to posts and threads they have subscribed to in the email notification they receive. So if you create a Post in the for sale forum you will receive an email notification when someone responds to the post. In the email you receive you will be able to respond directly in the email (with pictures if you would like to add one) and it will automatically post your response.
We will also (if subscribed) email out daily, weekly or monthly (your choice) top posts off the site.
I know this isnt exactly what TapaTalk offers as a whole. But, given the security risks involved to all members on our site we have to protect our members and their personal information. I would also like to mention that Wordpress and many other platforms refuse to allow their app to be used due to these vulnerabilities and risks associated with it.
Here are their service terms of agreements: