Tear in finger leather.


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small tear happened - perhaps (base and 2 fingers of 40)while trying to move the 2 rocks it was attached to. What is the best way to keep both parts alive and happy? Both are det and separated now. What else to do ?

There really isn't much you can do now. Both part should heal as long as they aren't stressed by something.
Funny that you bring this up because I also have a finger leather and he doesnt have any tears in him but some of his tips (of his fingers) are white while the rest of him is gorgeous. He has grown a bunch in just a week that he has been in my tank so I cant imagine that he is unhelathy.....most of the coral is covered in polyps except for a few of the finger tips....not sure if thats what qualifies as a tear???? also, are the white tips unhealthy?
Congrats on fragging your leather! Keep the current over both frags pretty high and they should heal quickly.