Tentacle ID


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I am bowing to the livestock experts here. This is on my plate coral. It is hard to spot as it is translucent, but look hard and you can see it. What is it?

http://www.cameroncole.com/digital/HPIM3451.JPG" alt="" />
[IMG]http://www.cameroncole.com/digital/HPIM3452.JPG" alt="" />
At first I thought it was a peanut worm, but I think it may just be a feeder tentical from you chalice. That is a chalice right?


btw..nice sps above it..
I know fish (or at least how to manage them) from my fresh water days... err... years, but corals.... Don't ask me... I am still waiting for Mike to come over and help me sort it all out. You will notice I am quite silent on most coral threads... I am an idiot in that department. I will sometimes guess, but I put an idiot disclaimer on virtually every coral post.

I still have several books to devoure on those topics before I have a competent knowledge. My side projects have been keeping me busy.
good to know. I figured it was all good, but that is the first time I have seen it out so far.
yeah I hear what youre saying, something similar happened to me with my first chalice, started freakin out, but then I just kinda thought about it and was like, "oh, thats cool." Corals man, totally crazy!
I know all the ones I have added, but the ones I inherited are still a bit of a mystery to me. Gotta get caught up on my reading.