Test kits: API vs. Elos


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So, with class canceled today, I took some time to test my water with my API kit and my new Elos kits.

I tested NO3, KH, Ca (don't have an API kit for Mg, but did test that with Elos anyways, 1350!)

I took a cup of water out of the display tank and set it aside. I used the same syringe to withdraw water from the cup for each test and followed the directions for each test to the "T".

Nitrate: 00 ppm
Ca: 420 ppm
KH: 13

Nitrate: 5 ppm
Ca: 380
KH: 10.5
I guess my next question is, which Elos test kit should I get next?
ares;288885 wrote: how do you know the elos is right and not the API?

just saying...

Well for one thing, 0 nitrates would be almost impossible. For another, it is known that API has a very short expiration date. Elos also has an excellent reputation, and I've personally found it to be accurate enough for me.

It's just better to sometimes pick one, that debate and chase numbers.

Other than that, you are correct. API could be the more accurate read, but I doubt it.