test results and therefore questions


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OK, I have not tested my parameters in about 8-9 months. I have a 20 + 4.5 fuge and do a 25% water change every 10-14 days with RC. I decided to test today just for kicks and it is towards the end of the 14 day schedule. I dose Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium about every 2-3 days. I have a mixed reef with quite a few SPS. I am using API kits. Here are the results:

Temp 82.9 (My tank stays between 80-84 always)
Ph 8.2-8.3
Sal 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Calcium 520
Dkh 4

so what's up with the dkh being so low and the ph is ok? Also, is that calcium level too high? Everything in the tank is doing fine and has been. I am just curious as to why the dkh is so low. Any thoughts?
Add carbonate alkalinity to the tank to bring up ur dkh. Try and bring the temp down as well. You want ur dkh in the 8-12 range.
I can't bring the temp down. I don't have a chiller, nor do I have the cash for that right now. The temp has been that way ever since I added the MHs about 9 months ago.
how long r you leaving the lights on for...try cutting back and hour or 2 to see if that helps with temp.
I am not too worried about the temp unless it effects the other parameters. If it got much higher I would start to worry.
i just actually noticed the temp listed was a typo. it is at 81.9. But it does fluctuate at the range listed
Kirk, I think your temp is fine.. IMHO

You should check Mag too. That might give you a clue about your dKh. I am going through the same thing right now. I had not done a water change in a few month or tested my 55 gal. When I finally got around to it I was shocked to see my PH was 8.0, my dKh was 5 and my cal was 600!!!! I added some Mag to bring it up to 1250 and slowly added reef builder to get my dKh up to about 11.5 now. My cal has come into line too down to about 420.
Calcium should really be dosed as a two-part with Alkalinity. Calcium (which is just at the point of precipitating out of the tank btw) buffers alk. Stop dosing and let the CA come down to about 475 and then test. Your dKh should come up. If you decide to dose then keep an eye on your Calcium because it will be lowered.
my api kit always says my calcium is 500 and my salifert always says 405-410. dont know if i have a bad kit but i think the api cal kits have a tendency to read high. i agree you may have a problem with mg, if mg is depleted it can be tough to hold the higher end of the spectrum on cal and alk. dont raise dkh too fast though you dont want any alk burn on your sps.