Testing,.. what do you folks use?


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Douglasville, Ga
I'm about to make a few purchases from Bulk Reef and among those items I'm looking to upgrade my testing game. Currently I am testing for ALK, Calc, PH & Nitrates and I use Salifert for the first two and API for the latter. I find all of these to be a pain the the arse. Had I known the Hanna tester's were as cheap as they are now I would have bought those in the first place (back for my last tank they were way more expensive I think). I am not currently ready for a full blown controller,. so are the Hanna's the right way to go? Alternatives? I am looking for accuracy first and foremost and ease of use a very close second as I am a firm believer in "if it's to much of pita I won't do it" theory lol.

Also I don't see a Hanna checker for PH or Nitrates. What other methods can I use? PH probe? Whats a good one.

Thoughts? and in advance thanks for any and all help!
Hanna checkers for Alk,Phosphates, and calcium. Salifert fora backup for calcium and also magnesium. Red sea for magnesium too. PH i use a hanna handheld tester. nitrates I use API but once that runs out I will switch to salifert.
Does the PH probe part go out regularly? Meaning is better to go ahead and spend a few more bucks up front?
Ive only had this one for a few months. So far it has been great.Holds calibration but i can not say about longevity of the ph probe yet
Hanna Alk checker is a must have for me.

What are your nitrate and phosphate levels typically at? I have to use ULR versions of both, as I’m consistently below 5ppm on nitrates and 0.4ppm on phosphates.

Magnesium is the only other thing I’m testing for that you don’t have listed.
Just got a Trident... LOVE IT! It's one of those things that you don't realize how bad you need it until you get it.

Hanna Checkers prior to that. I still use my Hanna phosphate as the trident only covers the main 3 (cal, alk, mag).

Hanna for Dkh. Salifert for calcium, mg. Nitrate is Seachem.
Hanna for manual alk is the easiest test for me.
I use icecap meter for salinity testing.
Red Sea for magnesium / nitrates
API for calcium

I also use reefbot to test alk/ nitrates/phosphates
but when I was testing manually phosphates I would use ultra low Hanna checker.
I use Redsea pro test kit for Alk, Cal, and Mg
for Nitrate, I used Nyos test kit. I find it the easiest and most accurate to use.

For Phosphate, the best I could find is Hanna test kit. I use the high range version of it cause my Phosphate never fall below 0.1 ppm

Every year, I send out ATI test (cost about $49.99). It gives me a peace of mind, knowing that there is no strange thing in my tank
Thanks for all the comments. I just got the Hanna calc and alk and a hand held pHep unit in today. Time to do some testing.