Thank you. I am humbled / honored...


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To be a part of this club. You may have read where my display light went out on me. This came at a time where I have had some unexpected medical issues come up and I am not able to get around much. Also my wife happens to be out of the country on a 3 week trip. Jin volunteered to look at my light. Alan actually came to my house, picked up the light, and took it to Jin. Jin has fixed the light and now my tank is back to normal. Jin and Alan thank you so much. I also want to thank the folks that posted advice or offered to help. You folks are great. :)

I am also very grateful to be part of such a great group!

That's awsome that the light was fixed and now back on top of such a wonderful tank..
+1 to everyone
I have only been here for a little while and it amazes me how helpful and giving the members are here..
Darren... hope you are ok! Let me know if you need any thing or any help. I'm pretty close to you.
Bob Z
Great post! Good work Jin. It is wonderful to see people help like we see in this post.
Bah, I would help you with anything you needed man. You're one of the nicest guys in this club, a valued member, and a friend. I remember Darren gave me a frag pack to celebrate my first child's birth. That blew my mind, it was unexpected but much appreciated. They're still some of my favorite corals in the tank! What goes around comes around... It was my pleasure to help out. :)
I agree and all three of you are great assets to this club. Glad everything is back in order Darren. Alan and Jin, it was good seeing you guys last night. and bsing
wow it doesnt surprise me that jin would do something like this ...he is a great guy and has come threw for me on many occasions... alan that was great of you too ....glad you could get things going again darren this is why i like this club
glxtrix;177322 wrote: I agree and all three of you are great assets

Couldn't agree more!!!

Glad everything turned out Darren. Jin and Alan rock! Lee...well he just can't grow Xenia!
Jin probably tried to eat it before he fixed it. But, after that, he probably lined it in free frags. You guys rule.
that's awesome. I hope I see this thread resurface 2 years from now. Good stuff.

good job guys, you are the epitome of what this club should represent.

+1, who turned off the rep system? ;)
Skriz;177364 wrote: that's awesome. I hope I see this thread resurface 2 years from now. Good stuff.

good job guys, you are the epitome of what this club should represent.

+1, who turned off the rep system? ;)

Duh! I did. It's always my fault.
LOL. I had a great time talking with Darren yesterday. His tank was beautiful even with no lights. The color was vibrant even with just the ambient light. Great corals man! I had a blast last night Lee. It was fun scarfing down those gorilla cookies. Jin thanks fro coming over and checking out the tank. Man yesterday was fun!

Glad the lights back on your tank and all is well!!!
I hated to see that. Even though it looked like a good reason to buy some new wheels and a nice new bumper for the front :)
*kicking rocks* I never got a frag pack :(

LOL, Darren and I have known each other for a few years now and traded corals here and there....he's a great guy. Definitely one of the people I'd do anything to help.